Monday, January 18, 2010

Something to pass the time...

When I'm not serving steaks to the unhealthy people of Lindenhurst, hunting for free drinks at the bar down the street, or lounging around my house watching Lost re-runs, I am an intern at Us Weekly magazine. I love the internship, don't get me wrong, but I work 10 hour days and it can get a little boring. However, one of the 'jobs' I have as an intern is to read celebrity gossip blogs everyday. So, for those of you who are bored out there, here is my list of the best celeb blogs out there. I tend to like the sarcastic, snarky ones the best. Because even though TMZ and Perez Hilton give actual celebrity gossip news, those meaner ones are wayyyy more interesting to read and usually give me a laugh - then again, I do have a guy's sense of humor at times. Anyway, look these up next time you have nothing to do. They're fun, I promise.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

I want...

every single one of them.

these pictures are the reasons Chanel is, and always will be, my favorite designer.

do I need to explain?

ugh, please buy me this.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I need to do my nails. Their plain and ugly right now. I wishhhhh I could do them like the above picture. Or even this one:

Monday, January 4, 2010


Day 2 of the Flickr project. I'm really enjoying it.

Bitter cold in NYC today. My hands froze during the 2 block walk from the subway to the Us Weekly building. I wore a cozy but itchy long blue sweater from H&M and jeans tucked into Ugg boots. Wish I had pictures, but was too lazy.

Until tomorrow....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

365 - One

I just joined the Flickr group 365 Days, and decided to also share the photos on my blog.

This group is perfect for anyone who loves to take pictures of themselves - you now have a place where it is required and no one can make fun of you for it! It's just the right place to indulge those narcissistic tendencies we may have.

Also, this year I have come up with a slightly different resolution that I would love to follow. It's for me to do at least one thing everyday that makes me happy and that makes me smile. At least one thing that makes me not take life for granted. So I'd like to share that one thing with my blog also!

And so, the thing that made me smile today was...
- I started reading a new book. Not exactly new, I guess, because I've read it once before, but I enjoyed it so much that I really wanted to read it again. It's called 'The Center of Everything', and I recommend it to anyone looking for a good book!
