Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Number 1

First post. Huh. I honestly never know what to write in the first posts of these kinds of things. Am I supposed to give a little mini autobiography or something? I have no idea.

But here goes anyway: My name is Jessica, I'm 22 years old since this past Halloween, I recently graduated college, and I'm a waitress at a popular steakhouse. Since I don't feel like serving steaks to grouchy customers is my real calling, I have been frantically searching for a job in the print journalism field for the last few months, with no success to speak of. I love fashion, I'm addicted to shopping, and, oh yes, I'm single. Of course. I have absolutely no luck in the guy sitch either, which is always fun.


Today I did two things that I definitely should not have done, and didn't do any of the things I should have. Go me!

I was supposed to have two interviews in NYC, but I ditched them. Yeah, I know, what's wrong with me? How I can possibly complain about not having a job and then go out and ditch two perfectly good interviews? Okay, but in my defense, they were for unpaid internships! One for US Weekly, and one for Time Out New York. I mean, interning at US Weekly would probably be amazing, but honestly, I just don't have the money to support an unpaid internship in the city right now. I've been enjoying my parent's paying for everything for the last 22 years of my life, but that is slowly ending now. They might have paid for the train and subway fare for me to go to my Redbook internship, and they may have given me their credit card and allowed (okay, so allowed miiiight not be the right word) me to use it for lunch at Hearst Tower and morning coffee at Starbucks every day, (very bad idea on their part - they know I can't resist the plastic) but not anymore. They said if I want to waste my time on a 'job' where I'm not getting paid, I can pay for the transportation myself. And working in the city means less time at the restaurant, so that means less money... therefore, I just can't swing it. So really, there was no point in me shelling out money for the train ticket and subway and cab fares just for two 15 minute interviews.

Okay, so instead of doing that, you would think I would do something productive with my entire day off. Like, maybe, work on my grad school applications? Search for some freelance blogging? Write my book? No... I went to the mall.

Seriously, though, I got really cute stuff. I mean, I spent $60 on the HOTTEST heels from Bakers, and then spent the exact same amount at Forever 21 and got a big chunky sweater, two tshirts, and a scarf. Yum.

Okay, well, you know, I think this first post summed me up pretty well. Some of my worst habits all in one day - procrastinating, being lazy, and spending money on things I don't need.

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