Friday, November 20, 2009


Last night I indulged my inner annoying 13-year-old girl and went to the Miley Cyrus concert with my sister. I can't lie, I love that bitch. I know everyone thinks she's annoying, but I love her, and I think the Hannah Montana show is hysterical. But then me and the Disney channel have always had a thing going on <3 love you.

That's me and my little sister at the concert. We look a lot alike - she's 7 years younger than me and also taller than me. Then again, it's not that hard to be taller than me considering I'm 5'0. :-/

So this show was basically, like, all little girls under the age of 14 (and then me), but Miley was totally provocative and dancing all up on the boys in her band. Whatevs, I say who cares, but I could totally hear some of the parents there complaining about it. Anyway, I thought she put on a fun show and I had a good time.

Today is a gorgeous day but I am not taking advantage of the sunshine. I did go to the gym this morning though, so props to me for that. I took a step class and did a total body class. Let's just say I'm in pain. I've gone to the gym 4 days since Monday and I'm really proud of myself for doing it. Woohoo! And I still want to go Monday morning! Amazing!

Speaking of the Disney channel, here's a picture of the sexiest boy who has ever been on it to end this little post. Enjoy :)

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